Dear Lift Church,
We are living in unprecedented times! And as a church we are going to navigate this season well, and I believe that we can emerge stronger.
What I am writing about is the COVID19 situation. The Government recently implemented a ban on indoor gatherings over 100 people. Whilst our church is not at that attendance level, our Elders, Board and Staff decided that in the current climate it would be socially responsible to suspend our Sunday Experiences until further notice. Being a community that listens to our Government, recommendations such as social distancing have proven to be impossible to follow through with our Sunday Experiences. Therefore until further notice we will not be holding our Sunday Experiences.
We are seeing this as an opportunity to rethink and consider what God holds as important for churches. We still believe that as a church we continue to carry the mandate for discipleship (Matt 28:18-20). We also believe that as a church we need to continue to meet together (Heb 10:25), supporting and encouraging one another (Eph 4:13).
So we are working on a plan to take us through this next season, and these measures will be categorised under our Core Values.
Where your name matters: We still want people to enjoy deep, meaningful community. We are looking at measures that might utilise Lift Groups and technology. There is a possibility for smaller gatherings where numbers will be tightly controlled as well.
Where ceilings are meant to be broken: We will look to create ways for us to discuss and grow in the word of God. This includes our kids and youth as well.
Where we bring a lift to the community: We are on the lookout for opportunities to serve our community as well as the wider community in these troubled times.
For this Sunday (22nd March), I will be releasing a short teaching on our social media sites, along with some discussion points you can talk through with family, or through technology. We are also on the cusp of releasing our very own app through Apple and Android, and that will be a medium of communication moving forward. It will include the ability for people to share both testimonies and prayer requests, as well as upcoming events and how you can be a part of it.
We’ll be in touch soon!
Much love, Nate, Bec and the Lift Team.